Excerpt from Gary’s article on the blog:
Well, Brandi received hundreds of angels from all over the world! The nurses posted them all around her room and her parents read her the heart-felt messages that accompanied the angels. Both Brandi and her parents have told us many times how all of you aided in helping to encourage and strengthen her during those times. (By the way, Brandi is doing better. She is now married. Her parents tell us that, even to this day, she still periodically receives angels, and always at times when she needs more encouragement.) As you may know, that angel has led to many, many more.
Full article is here: Where Do You Get It?
So, it is with a tear in my eye that I am retiring this original angel. She has flown far and wide and has lifted the spirits of countless people in time of need. Wow, I had not expected to feel so sad, but she is ready to rest and the new angel is ready to go.
Remember that YOU are her wings and the, ” Angel of Light (2nd Edition)” can fly just as far, but only with your help.