

I do not know how to thank you for all the designs you have given me. Your work is perfect. I love looking at all your designs and I wish I could be just half as good as you. Thank you so much

JoAnn Smith

I just loved your designs. They stitch out beautifully. I am such a fan of your FSL designs. My favorites are the FSL Angel of Light series as well as the FSL earrings, so beautiful. I stitched out a pair of the turkey earrings for my girlfriend and myself! We both get such compliments. I also just received some Cotton Creations premium flour sack towels to make the hair wrap! Thank you for creating such beautiful designs.


these designs are amazing and beautiful – was wondering if you could purchase the entire alphabet series instead of only the individual letters – would love to have all 26 on hand to use s needed


I love the designs you make , they stitch out wonderful. I have never had a problem with any of the ones I have gotten. Thanks for the free fonts

Norma Petkus

Had a problem with my account (my fault). Got a call in very short order and the issue was resolved. VERY happy with customer service.
Thank you

gina Butler

The machine sounded so great while it stitched the Baroque Border! Sonia is an amazing artist!

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